When it comes to start learning something new, the more we know about it, the more we know what we don’t know.
That seems cruel and for many people starting with React it’s no different, but no matter how difficult it might be, learning React is important for many developers.
Matthew Youlden is a polyglot, he likes to learn new languages and teach his methods. Matthew did a TED talk about “How to learn any language easily”, he shares some tips and rules to help others, but the last and most essential one it’s this: make it fun.
This is not just his opinion based on experience, it’s proved by many kinds of research, like those about gamification, and it works in many areas.
You can apply this method to learn anything, so why not with React? If you already started to learn React by reading the documentation, then you probably remember the official tutorial from React that you develop a simple application, a tic-tac-toe. Now that’s a fun way, rather than creating a to-do list, as many courses do.
I created a tic-tac-toe when following that tutorial, but for me, it was not enough and I could go further with this rule.
So I decided to give my game a better look using something I like: Star Wars.
I changed the X to porg, O to Chewbacca, added some sounds and many other things.
There was much more engagement for using React to develop the game.
So next time you want to learn a new language, React or anything that might look like rocket science to you, remember this rule: make it fun.